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Canary Studios which is operated and administered by Anne Maree Higgins and is committed to managing
personal information in an open and transparent manner. Canary Studios is bound by the Australia Privacy
Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
The provisions of this Policy apply to all personal information collected and held by Canary Studios.
Canary Studios is required to respect the confidentiality of individual’s personal information and the privacy of
individuals. This Policy sets out how Canary Studios manages personal information including how it
holds, uses, discloses and updates the personal information provided or collected by it.
4.1 Type of personal information collected
Canary Studios collects and holds personal information about:
• students and parents and/or guardians (parents) before, during and after the course of a student’s
enrolment in Canary Studios programs including but not limited:
- name, contact details, music repertoire lists, community chats, payment information, photos and videos
offered by participants (used with permission)
Personal Information provided by an individual: Canary Studios will generally collect personal information
through a number of ways, including but not limited to:
• face to face meetings including interviews;
• electronic means including emails and telephone calls;
• website notification or on-line tools such as apps;
• people other than parents and students.
4.2 Use of personal information
Canary Studios will use personal information it collects from an individual for the primary purpose of
collection, and for such other secondary purposes that are related to the primary purpose of collection and
reasonably expected, or to which an individual has consented.
Students and parents: In relation to personal information of students and parents, Canary Studios’s primary
purpose of collection is to enable Canary Studios to provide music education to students enrolled in Canary
Studios courses, exercise its duty of care, and perform necessary associated administrative activities, which
will enable students to take part in all activities of Canary Studios. This includes satisfying the needs of
parents, the needs of the student and the needs of the College throughout the whole period the student is
enrolled in Canary Studios.
The purposes for which Canary Studios uses personal information of students and parents include:
• to keep parents informed about matters related to their child’s music education, through correspondence,
newsletters and email;
• day-to-day administration;
• looking after students’ educational wellbeing;
• to satisfy Canary Studios legal obligations and allow Canary Studios to discharge its duty of care; and
Marketing and fundraising: Canary Studios treats marketing for the future growth and
development of Canary Studios as an important part of ensuring that Canary Studios continues to be a
quality learning environment in which both students can thrive.
4.3. Disclosure and storage of personal information
Canary Studios does not disclose personal information to third parties in accordance with section 4.4 of this
Policy, held about an individual for any other educational, administrative and support purposes.
Sending and storing information overseas: Canary Studios does not disclose personal information about
an individual to overseas recipients.
4.4 Management and security of personal information
Canary Studios’ staff are required to respect the confidentiality of students’ and parents’ personal information
and the privacy of individuals.
Canary Studios has in place steps to protect the personal information held from misuse, interference and
loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by use of various methods. These include the locked
storage of hard copy files, password access rights to computerised records and the secure disposal of
records when they are no longer required.
Canary Studios recommends that all individuals, including parents and the College community, adopt secure
practices to protect themselves such as ensuring passwords are strong and regularly updated and that your
log in details are kept secure. Personal information should not be shared with anyone without first verifying
their identity and organisation.
4.5 Access and correction of personal information
Canary Studios endeavours to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up to
date. In addition, under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), an individual has the right to seek and
obtain access to any personal information that Canary Studios holds about them and to advise the College of
any perceived inaccuracy.
4.6 Consent and rights of access to the personal information of “students”
Canary Studios respects every parent’s right to make decisions concerning their child’s education.CANARY STUDIOS PRIVACY STATEMENT
5.1 Canary Studios
Responsible for approving this Policy.
5.2 Risk and Compliance
Responsible for reviewing and recommending amendments to the Policy for approval by the Canary Studios.
5.3 Director
Responsible for the implementation of the Policy.
5.4 Head of Business
Is Canary Studios’s “Privacy Officer” and is responsible for:
• receiving requests for access or updates to personal information referred to in the Policy,
• receiving and managing enquiries and complaints in relation to the Policy and/or its application.
5.5 Risk and Compliance Officer
Is Canary Studios’s “Privacy Co-ordinator” and is responsible for:
• co-ordinating the review and amendments to the Policy;
• assisting staff in the implementation of the Data Breach Procedure and Response Plan if required.
• Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (including National Privacy Principles)
• Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017
Canary Studios Documents
• Code of Conduct
• Data Breach Procedure and Response Plan
Canary Studios will review this Policy at least tri-annually. It may also amend the Policy from time to time to
take account of new laws and technology, changes to the College’s operations and practices and to make
sure it remains appropriate to the changing school environment.
The most recent version will be
maintained on Canary Studios’s website.
Document Title Privacy Policy
Document Category Canary Studios’ Policy
Document Date February 2024
Process Owner Director Canary Studios
Contact Anne Maree Higgins
Approval Authority Canary Studios
Approval Date February 2024
Review Date June 2026
Revision History 2009, 2014, 2017, 2020
Last Updated: 19/02/2024 8:54 AM